B-goods and returns in online trading

B-goods and returns – everything you need to know about trading with returns
Returns make up a large proportion of B-stock, which is still as good as new but can no longer be sold through the original sales channel due to minor defects or limitations. Elvinci informs you about everything you need to know about trading in B-stock and in particular about lucrative business models for selling returns.
Special remainder and return dealers are giving these second-choice goods a new market, because despite their minor reductions in quality, the items are still as good as new and can be sold to consumers at fair prices.
Returns in online retail – the status quo
Online shopping has numerous advantages for consumers. One of these advantages is the ability to return any item to the seller within 14 days of receipt if the customer has changed their mind about their purchase decision.
For sellers, returns are much less convenient. This is not only due to the high logistical effort involved, but also to the fact that returns often show slight signs of wear or have already been removed from their original packaging. This means that they can no longer be sold as new goods, also known as A-goods.
Rather, returns are so-called second or B-goods, which are no longer suitable for the online retailer’s traditional sales. To ensure that the unsellable returns do not place an additional burden on the supplier’s storage capacity and liquidity, they must be disposed of. As a rule, a returns dealer buys the B-goods.

Reselling of returns as a lucrative business model with B-goods
If you want to earn money as an e-commerce provider by reselling returns, you can purchase returned items either directly from the seller or from professional returns dealers.
These are characterized by the fact that the goods are examined upon receipt and their condition is documented photographically and in text form.
Commercial buyers who decide to resell the returns to consumers benefit from this transparency. Fixed framework agreements also enable returns to be delivered regularly in pallets.
Dealing with returns economically and sustainably
Reselling returns is a profitable business, as the profit margin can be particularly high thanks to low purchase prices. Buying returns also makes a lot of sense for the end customer, as they do not have to pay the original price despite the product usually being in very good condition.
Last but not least, trading in B-stock and returns is particularly sustainable, as rejected products are still sold and not disposed of or destroyed. By selling returns as B-stock, you counteract resource- and energy-intensive new production.
Buy B-stock and returns now at elvinci
Elvinci has established itself as a remainder and returns dealer for more than three decades. These advantages await you when you purchase B-stock from Elvinci:
- Wide range of returns from different product categories
- Maximum transparency through detailed item documentation
- Uniform procedures for determining the condition of the item
- Clear and user-friendly buyer portal based on artificial intelligence
- Fast and competent customer service
If you are interested in purchasing returns from our inventory, please send us an inquiry using our contact form. We would be happy to give you free demo access to our buyer portal and personally train you on how to use the platform. We look forward to hearing from you.
FAQ – frequently asked questions about B-goods and returns
Since returns can in most cases no longer be sold through the e-commerce provider's traditional sales channels, they are categorized as B-goods. However, as a collective term, the term B-goods also refers to other types of products such as samples, exhibition copies, swap stocks, and remaining and special items.
You can get high-quality returns from remainder and return dealers who specialize in trading in B-stock. Professional providers have a well-documented online portal that makes it easy to buy individual pallets or an entire truckload.