Buyer portal for retailers and wholesalers

Through the online buyer portal, retailers, wholesalers and remnant traders can easily buy returned goods online. You always have all the information at a glance and can decide for yourself which goods you want to buy and which not.

Save time & money when shopping for returned goods

In elvinci’s buyer portal you can buy classified returned goods online with descriptions and pictures. This saves you time, because you do not have to come to the warehouse in person, and money, because you can choose exactly the goods you need.

Kontaktieren Sie uns ​

Contact us

Contact us so that we can discuss your needs, create a personal account for you in our buyer portal and give you a short introduction to the buyer portal. Here you have an exact overview of the packages that your seller has created for you.

Package and processing

In Buyer Portal you will receive a package from your seller, which you can process. This allows you to sort out goods that you do not want to buy and replace them with returned goods that you can sell optimally.

Paket und Bearbeitung ​
Warenklassifizierung, Produktbeschreibung und Preisangabe​

Goods classification, product description and price indication

The product overview contains numerous photos of the device, a written product description, goods classification and price information. Any damage or signs of use, if any, are accurately documented and can be accurately verified with pictures and detailed descriptions.

Order with a few clicks

The package you customized can be ordered directly with a few clicks.

Bestellen mit wenigen Klicks​